What you need to prepare at the time of application:in the Case of Lease


Identification papers refer to papers such as a student card, a driver’s license, an Alien Registration card, etc.


A surety liable jointly and severally refers to the person who bears the same obligations as the tenant. Therefore when debts occur such as rent payment and if the bill is sent to the surety liable jointly and severally, the person needs to pay the bill immediately without being able to complain. The person can also replace the tenant in turning over the premises in the case of an accident or a happening.
In principle and generally, a relation in the first or second degree is assigned.

In the Case Where There Is a Guarantor

Usually a person with a certain level of income is requested

In the Case Where a Guarantor Company Is Used

Conditions differ depending on the guarantor company, but in most cases, 50%~100% of monthly fixed expenses such as rent, communal charge, management charge, parking fee, etc. are paid at the time of contract signing.
In some cases, expenses differ depending on whether a guarantor is assigned or not. Even in this case, most often, an emergency contact needs to be set up.

What You need to Prepare at the Time of Contract Signing

1.Seal Affixing and Seal Certification of the Surety Liable Jointly and Severally
2.Certificate of Residence of the Contracting Party
3.Seal of the Contracting Party
4.Initial Expenses
(Total amount including the deposit, key money, brokerage fee, advance rent, insurance fee, key renewal fee, etc.)etc.

Real estate contract is an important contract for the owner to lease his/her important asset to somebody else, and for the tenant requiring significant expenses. The management firm is in the position of managing the assets of the owners, and we negotiate with the management companies or the owners to comply with the wishes of the tenants as much as possible.
We may have to ask you to be a little patient, but we will work with you and assist you in signing a contract for the premises of your choice.

What you need to prepare at the time of contract signing:in the Case of Lease

Key Money

This is the money you pay when you move in as remuneration for the owner.
In some cases, this is not needed or it is called with a different name. The money will not be returned even after the contract is terminated.
The going rate for key money is usually around 1 to 2 months and it is paid at the time of contract signing.
Furthermore, in the case of the formula of deposit and key money, you need to pay the total sum of the two at the time of contract signing, but in the case of the formula where deposit (security money) is returned after subtracting contract termination portion, you need to pay only deposit (security money) at the time of contract signing, and when you move out, the deposit (security money) after subtracting the termination portion as of the timing of your moving out will be returned after you move out.


Deposit is the money you leave with the owner in preparation for the case where a problem occurs such as non-payment by the tenant or damage of the property.
This money is returned in principle, but in the case of rent non-payment or where repair needs to be done on the expenses of the tenant, the sum after subtracting the amount will be returned.
Furthermore, in some cases, tenants are required to pay housecleaning expenses.

Fire Insurance Fee

Regarding insurances for earthquake damage, etc., in most cases, tenants are required to take out insurance policies.
The going rate is from \15,000 to \30,000, and it is paid at the time of contract signing.

Real Estate Brokerage Fee

The equivalent of one-month rent is paid to the real estate company who mediated for the premises as a commission at the time of contract signing. Legally, it is stipulated that this should be one month or less, and most real estate companies mediate with the commission which is the equivalent of one-month rent.

Advance Rent

In principle, for renting premises, payment is made in advance, and therefore rent for the starting month is paid at the time of contract signing. Furthermore, in the case where the starting date of occupancy is in the middle of a month, most often, the month’s rent on a per diem basis and also rent for the following month are billed at the same time.

Key Renewal Fee

In some cases, this is not billed or is left up to the judgment of the tenant, but in other cases, the tenant may be forced to change the key in order to prevent troubles such as crimes committed by previous tenants having made duplicate keys.
It depends on the type of key, among other things, but the going rate is around \10,000~\20,000 and it is paid at the time of contract signing.